Build-in-Public – Episode 9 – Affiliate Networks

Affiliate marketing is a way to earn by promoting someone else’s products. When someone buys something through your recommendation, you get a commission. Sometimes, it’s based on sales, and other times it’s for generating leads. You can create websites focused on these products and earn from them.

There are many networks for affiliate marketing. Amazon Associates is very popular because of its high conversion rates. Other networks like ClickBank focus on digital products. There are also specialized networks with specific offers. Finding the right program can be tricky but rewarding.

Key Takeaways

  • Affiliate marketing involves promoting products for commissions.
  • Amazon Associates is a popular affiliate network due to high conversion rates.
  • Various networks offer different opportunities and payout methods.

Knowing How Affiliate Marketing Works

Revenue Sharing Model

In this model, a person promotes someone else’s product. They get a commission from every sale made. The commission is a percentage of the total revenue. For example, if a product sells for $100, the promoter might get $10 if the revenue share is 10%.

Payment Per Lead Model

With this model, the promoter earns money by generating leads. Here, a lead might be someone who fills out a form or signs up for a trial. Instead of a percentage of a sale, the promoter gets a fixed amount for each lead they generate.

Action-Based Model

This model pays the promoter for specific actions. This could be making a sale, getting someone to click a link, or other activities. Sometimes the payment is upfront and fixed, like $100 per new customer. In other cases, it might be a share of the revenue for as long as the customer stays with the product.

Building Affiliate Websites

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services from other companies, earning a commission when a sale is made. There are different models for earnings, including:

  • Revenue Share: Earn a percentage of the revenue from the sale.
  • Pay Per Lead: Get paid when someone submits a lead form.
  • Pay Per Action: Earn a commission for specific actions, such as recurring sales like web hosting.

To start, build websites focused on these products and write content to promote them. There are several affiliate networks to join, each offering unique opportunities:

  • Amazon Associates: Popular and easy to sign up for. Earn commissions on any sale made by referred customers within a 24-hour window.
  • ClickBank: Focuses on info products like eBooks; usually pays on a cost-per-action or cost-per-lead basis.
  • Commission Junction, ShareASale, Impact Radius: Partner with various brands for commission sharing.

Other options include Boutique affiliate networks, which might focus on specific industries like gaming or weight loss. Examples include A4D and Motive Interactive. These may offer exclusive deals but can be tougher to get approved for if you’re new.

Lastly, individual products or services often have their own affiliate programs. For instance, Koala offers recurring commissions on referred purchases. Look for affiliate or referral programs in any web tools you use, often found in the footer of the site.

By joining these networks and programs, creating dedicated websites, and promoting products, you can build a successful affiliate marketing business.

Leading Affiliate Networks

Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates is widely known and one of the biggest affiliate networks. By joining, affiliates get a unique code. This code can be placed in product links, allowing them to earn a commission on any sales made through those links. What’s particularly beneficial is that if a user makes a purchase on Amazon within a specific timeframe, affiliates earn commissions on all the user’s purchases, not just the linked products.


ClickBank focuses mainly on digital products like e-books and software. It’s well-suited for affiliates who prefer promoting information-based products. Affiliates can earn commissions through cost-per-action or cost-per-lead models, making it versatile for various marketing strategies.


ShareASale is a network with a large pool of partnered brands. It offers a commission-sharing model and provides access to diverse products across many industries. Affiliates can choose products that align with their audience and earn commissions based on sales referred through their unique links.

Commission Junction

Commission Junction, or CJ Affiliate, connects affiliates with various brands. It supports a wide range of products and services. Affiliates can benefit from flexible commission structures, making it appealing for generating revenue from different types of sales and leads.

Impact Radius

Impact Radius offers a platform for affiliates to collaborate with a multitude of brands. They can customize their links and track performance effectively. This flexibility in management helps affiliates optimize their efforts and maximize earnings from their promotions.

Rakuten Advertising

Rakuten Advertising, formerly known as Rakuten LinkShare, is a robust affiliate network. It provides access to a broad array of products and promotional opportunities. Affiliates can leverage Rakuten’s tools to gain insights and improve their campaigns, ultimately enhancing their earnings through strategic partnerships.

Specialized Affiliate Networks

Choosing Specific Networks

Selecting the right niche network can greatly affect your success with affiliate marketing. There are many specialized networks, each catering to specific industries. For instance:

  • A4D focuses on performance marketing.
  • Motive Interactive works with various exclusive offers.

Finding the right fit requires knowing what niche you want to target, whether it’s gaming, health, or another sector.

Approval Hurdles

Getting approved to join these specialized networks can be a challenge. Many require proof of prior earnings and traffic stats before accepting new affiliates. This process can be more stringent compared to larger networks like Amazon or ClickBank. Being prepared with data about your current earnings and web traffic can make the application process smoother.

Single Product Affiliate Programs

Koala Case Study

Koala has a referral affiliate program that offers recurring commissions. Anytime someone makes a purchase through the Koala referral link, commissions continue to be earned as long as that customer remains active. This setup ensures a steady, ongoing income stream. Checking if the tools you already use offer a similar program can be beneficial. It’s often found in the footer of their site under “Join our affiliate program” or a similar link.

Discovering Affiliate Programs

Leveraging Online Tools

Finding the right affiliate programs can be made easier by using various online tools. There are many platforms and networks that house multiple affiliate programs, offering diverse opportunities across different industries. Some of the well-known ones include:

  • Amazon Associates: This is one of the most popular networks. With a wide range of products and high conversion rates, it’s easier to get approved and start earning commissions.
  • ClickBank: Known for its digital products, ClickBank often deals with ebooks and online courses. It typically pays out on a cost per action or lead basis.
  • ShareASale and Commission Junction (CJ): These networks partner with numerous brands, allowing for commission sharing across a variety of industries.
  • Smaller Networks: Boutique networks such as A4D or Motive Interactive can offer exclusive deals. They often focus on specific niches like gaming or weight loss, though they may be harder to get into if you’re just starting out.

Using Website Footers

When using any online tools or services, it’s worth checking the footer of the website. Many services offer affiliate or referral programs, often advertised in this section. Joining these programs can be a great way to promote products you already use and trust, while earning commission.

Final Thoughts

Affiliate marketing involves promoting another company’s product and earning a commission for each sale or lead generated. There are different models like revenue sharing, pay per lead, and pay per action. A common example is Amazon Associates, where affiliates earn on sales through their links.

Besides Amazon, options like ClickBank, ShareASale, and Boutique networks such as A4D offer various products in different industries. Tools used regularly may have referral programs too. Affiliates can join these programs and earn commissions by promoting the products.

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Published by

John Ward

With nearly two decades of experience in building, growing, and monetizing websites, I share insights from my journey—highlighting what works and what doesn’t. Whether you're new or experienced, there's something here for everyone.