Major Setback – Last Health Update

I started a series in which I planned to post updates related to addressing my poor state of health. I’ve decided that I will no longer post health updates. I don’t think they are very interesting to my audience, and I want to focus more on business-related topics. However, I’m not stopping my pursuit of … Continue reading Major Setback – Last Health Update

Setup A Life You Don’t Need to Escape From

I waste too much time online, especially on social networks like Facebook. I saw a quote the other day from Seth Godin: Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from. -Seth Godin This really hits home with me. I often find myself … Continue reading Setup A Life You Don’t Need to Escape From

Overcoming the Anxiety of Publishing Online

You know the feeling. You’ve just spent a small chunk of your life writing a blog post. As you slowly scroll to the right, your mouse hovers over the publish button. With a finger on the mouse button, you pause for a second. As you stop to think your palms get clammy. The beating in your chest … Continue reading Overcoming the Anxiety of Publishing Online

Make Money Online: Documenting 10 Years of Failure

This is the history of my experience trying to make money online over the past 10 years or so. This is by far the longest post I’ve ever personally written and it’s more of an autobiography than a blog post. I feel like I need to purge some of this stuff from my head so … Continue reading Make Money Online: Documenting 10 Years of Failure