The Best WordPress Email Plugin

Thinking about adding a WordPress email plugin to your site? One of the most power marketing tools that anyone publishing online can take advantage of is email marketing. According to the Direct Marketing Association email advertising has an average return on investment of %4,300 in the United States. Email is consistently the best performing media in conversion rates. McKinsey & Co. stated that email marketing usually out performs social media with 3 times the conversions.

If you’re not collecting email address, you should be.

We know that email is the best way to connect to our audiences but with all of the plugins out there for WordPress how can you tell which ones are worth it? I’m going to make it easy for you. Just use Bloom by Elegant Themes.

What makes Bloom the best WordPress email list plugin that I have used so far?

I just relaunched my blog a few weeks ago and one of my posts was starting to go viral but I had a big problem. I had no way to collect email addresses. I was in a hurry to add something as my traffic was building. I probably looked at hundreds of plugins, some paid and some free, before I remembered I had a subscription to Elegant Themes. That’s when I found Bloom and fell in love.

If you aren’t familiar with Elegant Themes they’ve been making premium WordPress themes and plugins for years. Bloom is a newer creation and it’s simply beautiful. I haven’t found another plugin that offers the same ease of configuration with the thousands of pre-built opt-in forms that Bloom offers.

What makes Bloom different from your standard opt-in plugin?

bloom wordpress email plugin providers
Bloom for WordPress integrates with these popular providers

First of all Bloom has easy integration for 12 of the most popular email providers including:

  • AWeber
  • MailChimp
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Constant Contact
  • Mad Mimi
  • InfusionSoft
  • iContact
  • GetResponse
  • mail poet
  • feed blitz
  • send in blue
  • OntraPort

I personally use MailChimp and the integration couldn’t have been easier. I just supplied my API-Key and had simple drop downs to select which list I wanted to use.

Bloom has hundreds of pre-made templates to use…

bloom opt in form designs for wordpress

…and they look amazing. You can use these awesome templates with a click of the mouse. You can even customize them using the built in customizer or custom CSS code. I haven’t seen another plugin offer this level of customization while also looking so elegant. You can customize colors, borders, text, buttons, fields and almost anything you can think of.

Even more customization out of the box

bloom wordpress triggersBloom gives you tons of options for how and when your email opt-in should appear. You can have those cool automated pop-in type boxes, a static sidebar form, a bottom of the post opt-in like I have, or even things like post-sales opt-ins. You can control when to trigger things like the pop-in too. So you can wait for a certain amount of time or when the users scrolls, or after the user comments, or even when the user becomes inactive.

You can tell Bloom when and where to show or not show your opt-in form. If you want to exclude categories that’s a simple mouse click. It can add the form to all of your posts by default or you can choose to manual add the forms to posts. You can even get down to the post/page level when determining if you want the opt-in form to show on specific pages.

The control panel

bloom wordpress control panel

The control panel is where bloom really shines. You can get quick stats about the number of subscribers, new subscribers, etc and they are also presented in a beautiful format. You can see all of your various forms and edit them.

You can also run split test very easily. Want to test which color works better? Bloom does that. Want to test a different copy? Bloom does that. The split testing tool is really cool and makes optimizing your opt-in sequence so much easier.

Bloom is responsive and retina ready. 

bloom wordpress responsive

No matter what device your users are on your opt-in forms will look beautiful.

Get the Bloom and access to over 90 other WordPress themes and plugins

That’s right. When you purchase bloom you also get access to more than 90 other premium WordPress themes and plugins from Elegant Themes. I’ve used these themes for years and they are well developed, designed, and easy to use. You won’t be disappointed with a membership to Elegant Themes.

Click here to join Elegant Themes today and get access to the best premium WordPress themes and plugins on the web.

I’ve been a lifetime member for over 8 years and I could not be happier. 282,273 customers can’t be wrong.

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Published by

John Ward

With nearly two decades of experience in building, growing, and monetizing websites, I share insights from my journey—highlighting what works and what doesn’t. Whether you're new or experienced, there's something here for everyone.