Build-in-Public – Episode 2 – Affiliate Partnership and a Little Bit About Parasite SEO

Embarking on the second day of building in public, it’s a journey fraught with both excitement and exhaustion. With the added motivation of a birthday celebration, turning 38 feels like a milestone that brings renewed determination. Despite a sleepless night spent pondering an intriguing partnership opportunity, the drive to succeed remains strong.

The focus has shifted towards an affiliate partnership strategy, envisaging a model where creating content and earning through affiliate commissions seems promising. Harnessing the high authority of established domains allows for effective SEO, leveraging extensive backlink networks for better rankings. This approach centers on collaboration, splitting revenue and reducing initial costs, providing a scalable pathway to substantial earnings.

Key Takeaways

  • Building in public involves a resilient and strategic approach.
  • Affiliate partnerships leverage high authority domains for SEO benefits.
  • Revenue sharing models help in scaling content without high upfront costs.

Personal Update

Reflections on My Second Day

Staying committed to this project despite the exhaustion was challenging. Last night, sleep eluded me as thoughts about the potential affiliate partnership kept me awake. This partnership involves producing content to earn affiliate commissions when sales occur. Leveraging higher authority domains, the goal is to rank content more easily without buying posts, making it scalable. The partner would provide a subdirectory, and in return, a revenue split allows both parties to benefit mutually.

My method involves doing all the keyword research, content creation, SEO optimization, and managing affiliate relationships. The partner only needs to lend their domain authority and give me access for posting. Though convincing potential partners of the legitimacy of a no-cost deal remains an obstacle, the prospects with a particular company boasting around 40 high authority sites are promising. Efforts have been made to reach out to their advertising director and their Chief Revenue Officer on LinkedIn, aiming to demonstrate the potential revenue gains.

Reflecting on My Birthday

Today is a special day as I turn 38. Despite being fatigued, acknowledging another year of life adds significance to the day’s activities. This milestone sparks reflection on personal and professional aspirations, especially in the context of ongoing commitments and ambitions. The celebration, albeit subdued by the pressures of the project, still marks an important period of life and growth.

Building Public Concept

Perseverance Amid Challenges

Despite facing fatigue and the temptation to give up early, commitment to the project remains steadfast. Focusing on potential gains, especially on days like personal milestones, provides an extra boost of motivation to continue.

Navigating Partnership Ventures

The idea revolves around leveraging high-authority domains to boost content visibility and affiliate earnings. By partnering with established websites, content creators can benefit from their domain authority, making it easier to rank content effectively.

Approaching Contacts Strategically

The strategy involves meticulous research to identify key contacts within potential partner organizations. This includes methods such as LinkedIn connections and direct communication attempts to find the appropriate decision-maker.

Maximizing Revenue Opportunities

The goal is to secure partnerships that allow for the scaling of content production without upfront costs. With the correct partner, the potential revenue from leveraging multiple high-authority sites can be substantial, reaching into significant figures annually.

Affiliate Partnership Strategy

Overview of the Affiliate Model

In an affiliate partnership, I create content and earn commissions from sales generated through that content. This setup allows us to collaborate with domains that possess substantial authority. Think of it similar to the concept of parasite SEO, where one utilizes a domain with a high authority score to improve content ranking. Instead of purchasing posts, the model involves a partnership where the domain owner provides a subdirectory to post content, and profits are split from the resultant commissions.

Comprehending the Role of Domain Authority

Domain authority, commonly referred to as DA or DR (Domain Rating), indicates the potential of a domain to rank well on search engines. Although not an official metric from Google, it serves as a useful proxy. For example, domains like Forbes boast domain authority scores in the ’90s, enabling them to rank for various topics effortlessly. Scores for domain authority are fundamentally built upon the quality and number of backlinks to a domain, making high-authority sites valuable partners for content.

Approach to Utilizing High-Authority Domains

My strategy capitalizes on the robust domain authority by forming partnerships. I do comprehensive keyword research, craft optimized content, and manage affiliate relationships. The partner offers access to a subdirectory on their site, and I produce and post the content. We share the revenue, with me covering all associated costs. This partnership model is scalable because it eliminates upfront costs for the partner, making it advantageous for both parties. The ultimate goal is to secure partnerships with numerous high-authority domains, optimizing for profitability and expanding reach significantly.

Role and Responsibility

Keyword Research and Content Creation

He takes on the responsibility of conducting keyword research to determine which keywords are likely to rank well. This is followed by producing, editing, and SEO-optimizing content. He handles all the affiliate relationships, ensuring the content aligns with the products being sold.

Revenue Sharing Model

In this partnership, he is provided with access to a subdirectory on a partner’s high-authority domain. He creates content and posts it, with the revenue split between him and the partner. The partner’s main role is to offer the directory and domain authority, while he absorbs all the costs and does the work. The profits are evenly shared, making it a beneficial arrangement for both parties.

Partner Acquisition Procedures

Opening Communication and Obstacles

Partnering with higher authority domains involves reaching out and facing initial setbacks. The process begins by identifying potential partners and making contact. Often, the response is slow, and it’s common to encounter skepticism about the benefits of the partnership.

Purposeful LinkedIn Outreach

Networking on LinkedIn can be effective. Direct messages to key individuals, such as Chief Revenue Officers, can open doors. Sometimes, it’s necessary to investigate and connect with multiple levels within the company to find the right contact. Follow-up messages play a crucial role in maintaining communication.

Methods to Secure Partnerships

Several tactics can be used to secure a partnership:

  • Keyword Research: Identify keywords that have high ranking potential.
  • Content Production: Create, edit, and SEO optimize the content.
  • Affiliate Management: Handle relationships with product sellers.
  • Revenue Sharing: Propose a revenue-sharing model where the partner benefits without any upfront cost.

Focusing on proving success with one site can pave the way for scaling across multiple sites. A successful demonstration on a single platform can significantly enhance credibility and open more opportunities for collaboration.

Potential Revenue Stream

Forecasting Income from Various Network Sites

Partnering with high authority domains presents significant revenue potential. By leveraging their domain strength, high rankings can be achieved across a broad array of content. Evaluating the portfolio’s diversity, a target site selection is critical. These sites, particularly those holding a domain authority score above 60, provide a fertile ground for scaling content and revenue. Notably, if 10% of the content gains traction, the income projections soar upwards, indicating potential yearly earnings in the millions.

Objective of Validating the Model

The primary goal involves validating the affiliate model with an initial test site. Demonstrating five-figure revenue streams can establish credibility and pave the way for broader application across the network. Success in this phase is instrumental in gaining trust and securing permission to expand the model to about 40 high domain authority sites. Effective proof of concept hinges on clear, measurable results that underscore the model’s viability and profitability.

Sales Challenges and Strategy

Evaluating Yourself as a Sales Professional

One of the primary challenges faced involves self-assessment as a salesperson. It is crucial to identify personal strengths and weaknesses in order to develop strategies that can overcome obstacles. While the entrepreneurial endeavor requires confidence, it also demands an honest look at areas needing improvement, such as closing deals or communicating the value proposition effectively.

Developing the Value Communication

Central to overcoming sales challenges is crafting a compelling value proposition. The goal is to convey the unique benefits and profitability of the partnership. By clearly articulating how the collaboration will generate revenue and emphasizing the minimized risk for the partner, it becomes easier to persuade potential collaborators. A well-structured pitch can address and alleviate concerns about the legitimacy and financial viability of the proposal.

Published by

John Ward

With nearly two decades of experience in building, growing, and monetizing websites, I share insights from my journey—highlighting what works and what doesn’t. Whether you're new or experienced, there's something here for everyone.