Build-in-Public – Episode 12 – Selling Feet Pics and Spying on the Competition

I’m on day 12 of my 30-day challenge and have covered a lot so far. Building a WordPress site is straightforward; let me know if you want a more detailed walkthrough. Today, I’ll focus on sharing tips for spying on your competition and some fun with AI-generated images.

I used Jupyter notebooks to experiment with Dana White’s image and show how Python can be used for generating these. The other significant update is about my programmatic site Although it showed promise with a huge number of indexed pages, Google eventually removed them. I’ll also be discussing how to get niche site ideas using Mediavine’s sellers.json file, which lists domains making money through their network.

Key Takeaways

  • Tips for spying on competitors were shared.
  • Experimenting with AI-generated images using Jupyter notebooks was discussed.
  • Challenges with Google indexing for a programmatic site were highlighted.

30-Day Challenge Update

It’s day 12 of the 30-day challenge, and there are some updates and tips to share. Initially, the focus was on showing how simple it is to build a WordPress site. For those still interested in more details, leaving a comment will prompt more in-depth walkthroughs.

Today, two main topics will be covered: spying on competition and an interesting AI-generated image experiment.

AI Experiment with Jupyter Notebooks

An amusing experiment was conducted using Jupyter Notebooks and a tool called models lab. An image of Dana White, the UFC president, was generated by the Protovision XL V3 model. The result was a somewhat recognizable but exaggerated version, showcasing the model’s ability to create realistic, though imperfect, images.

Jupyter Notebooks has been incredibly useful for running Python scripts and quickly prototyping projects. For those new to Python, resources like Chat GPT can be quite helpful to get started, though some coding knowledge will eventually be necessary.

Keto Site Update

The programmatic site showed initial signs of promise with over 300,000 pages indexed by Google. Unfortunately, Google later removed almost all the pages, signaling a significant setback. The site, hosted on Heroku, is expensive to maintain at around $3 per month, making it hard to justify keeping it alive without traffic.

Tip for Niche Site Ideas

For anyone starting a niche site and looking for validation, one useful method involves checking out Mediavine’s sellers.json file. Mediavine requires sites to have 50,000 sessions per month, ensuring that listed sites are somewhat successful. By exploring the domains in this file, aspiring site creators can get ideas on which niches might be worth pursuing.

Examples discovered include:

  • Plant Power Couple: A site focused on vegan recipes.
  • Hunter Wholesale: A niche site about hunting.
  • Smart Trucking: A resource for prospective truck drivers.
  • Fish Tank Enthusiasts: Guides on maintaining aquariums.

Additional Tip: Parasite SEO

Lastly, another valuable tip involves parasite SEO. This strategy leverages high domain rating (DR) sites by purchasing posts and adding your own content to these established platforms. This can boost visibility and traffic, making it a practical approach for anyone looking to quickly gain traction.

WordPress Site Development

WordPress is a popular platform for building websites. It’s easy to use and offers many features. Here are a few key points to help you get started with WordPress site development.

Getting Started

  1. Choose a Theme: WordPress comes with many free and paid themes. Pick one that suits your site’s purpose.
  2. Install Plugins: Plugins add functionality to your site. Some essential plugins are for SEO, security, and backups.
  3. Customize Your Site: Use the WordPress Customizer to tweak your site’s appearance, including colors, fonts, and layouts.

Creating Content

  • Posts and Pages: WordPress allows you to create blog posts and static pages. Use posts for blog entries and pages for static content like “About Us” or “Contact.”
  • Media: You can upload images, videos, and other media to make your content more engaging.
  • Categories and Tags: Organize your content using categories and tags to help users and search engines find your content easier.

Essential Features

  • Widgets: Add widgets to your sidebar or footer to display things like recent posts, social media links, and more.
  • Menus: Create custom navigation menus to help users find important pages on your site.
  • Comments: Enable comments to engage with your audience. You can also moderate comments to keep your site spam-free.

Security and Maintenance

  • Regular Updates: Keep WordPress, themes, and plugins updated to the latest versions to ensure security and functionality.
  • Backups: Regularly back up your site. Use backup plugins or services to avoid losing your content.
  • Security Plugins: Use security plugins to protect your site from hacks and malware.

Performance Optimization

  • Caching: Use caching plugins to speed up your site by storing a static version of your pages.
  • Image Optimization: Reduce the file size of images without losing quality to improve loading times.
  • Minimize Plugins: Only use necessary plugins to avoid slowing down your site.

By following these tips, you can create a beautiful and functional WordPress site that meets the needs of your audience. Keep exploring new themes, plugins, and features to continually improve your site.

Spying on Competition: AI Tools

One effective way to keep an eye on competitors is using AI tools. Automated systems can gather and analyze data, providing insights into strategies that are driving others’ success.

  • Keyword Tracking: Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush can help identify the keywords that competitors are ranking for. This helps to adapt or optimize your own content strategy.
  • Content Analysis: Platforms like BuzzSumo allow examination of the most shared content by competitors. This reveals which topics and formats perform best for them.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Hootsuite or Sprout Social can track competitors’ social media activity, uncovering engagement patterns and popular content types.

Examples of Useful AI Tools

ToolPurposeMain Features
AhrefsSEO and Keyword TrackingKeyword analysis, backlink tracking
BuzzSumoContent ResearchContent performance metrics, topic discovery
HootsuiteSocial Media ManagementPost scheduling, social media monitoring

Using these tools can give an understanding of what strategies might work best for your own endeavors. By leveraging AI, staying competitive becomes manageable and more efficient.

Dana White Image Generation

Using Jupyter notebooks to test various scripts can be quite useful, especially when working with image generation models. For this particular experiment, the goal was to generate an image of Dana White using the Stable Diffusion API. The model selected was ProtoVision XL V3, which is known for producing relatively realistic images.

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

  1. Model Selection: ProtoVision XL V3 was chosen from Models Lab.
  2. Image Prompt: The model was instructed to create an image of Dana White, showing the results of his blood work.
  3. Results: The generated image somewhat resembled Dana White, though not exactly. The depiction was more exaggerated, especially in terms of musculature.
  4. Tools Used: Jupyter notebooks acted as the environment for running and testing the Python scripts.

Example Output: Generated Image of Dana White

The generated images, while not perfect, were impressively realistic for an AI model. They illustrate how far image generation technology has come. Despite the minor inaccuracies, such as overemphasis on muscle definition, the results were fascinating.

Using Jupyter notebooks proves beneficial for these kinds of experiments. They allow step-by-step execution and provide an interactive platform for refining scripts. If you’re interested in learning, Python and tools like Chat GPT can help you get started, although some debugging might still require basic coding skills.

In summary, this experiment with generating Dana White’s image showcases both the capabilities and limitations of current AI models in producing lifelike images.

Using Jupyter Notebooks for Testing

Jupyter Notebooks are a powerful tool for running Python scripts locally. You can use them to step through your code and see results immediately. This makes it especially useful for testing and prototyping ideas quickly.

One interesting example involves using the stable diffusion API to generate images. By running scripts in Jupyter Notebooks, you can experiment with different models and parameters, seeing the output in real-time.


  • Interactive Coding: Write and run code in small chunks, seeing results instantly.
  • Easy Debugging: Identify and fix issues efficiently.
  • Prototyping: Quickly test new ideas and concepts.

Use Case: Image Generation

I tried generating an image of Dana White from UFC using a model called Protovision XL V3. Although the result wasn’t an exact match, it was fairly realistic and showed how the tool can be used creatively.

API UsedModels Lab
ModelProtovision XL V3
TaskGenerate Dana White’s Image

For those new to Python, tools like Chat GPT can provide much of the necessary code. However, some basic coding skills might be needed for debugging.

Practical Application

I also use Jupyter Notebooks for checking website ranks and generating content programmatically. Scripts can be run to automate tasks, making the entire process more efficient and less time-consuming. This approach can be particularly useful for managing multiple projects simultaneously.

Python Programming with ChatGPT

Using Python scripts is a key skill, and Jupyter Notebooks make it even easier. With Jupyter, you can run Python code locally and see results step-by-step. This is helpful for tasks like checking ranks or generating images automatically. I use Jupyter notebooks a lot for quick tests and prototyping.

One interesting project I worked on involved generating images using the Stable Diffusion API. For this, I chose the Protovision XL V3 model from Models Lab and asked it to create an image of UFC’s Dana White. The results were quite realistic, though not an exact match. It’s a fun way to see what these models can produce.

If you’re keen to learn Python, ChatGPT is a great tool. It provides useful code snippets and explanations. While you might need some basic coding skills to debug, ChatGPT helps you get started and solve simple problems.

Here’s a quick example setup for running a Python script in a Jupyter Notebook:

import numpy as np

# Create data
data = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Print data

Jupyter provides an interactive environment that supports learning and experimenting with Python. Whether you are checking site ranks or generating custom images, using Python with tools like Jupyter and ChatGPT can streamline many tasks.

Case Study:

I started a site called, aimed at helping people decide if certain foods are keto-friendly. It was initially a fun project, but a recent issue with Google’s indexing has made it challenging.

In the beginning, I managed to get 300,000 pages indexed, which seemed promising. There was a slight upward trend in traffic, giving hope that the site might pick up. Unfortunately, this progress didn’t last long. Over the last few days, Google’s indexing dropped drastically. From having about 382,000 indexed pages, it fell sharply, almost removing all the content from the index.

Here’s a quick look at the indexing history:

Initial Indexed PagesPeak Indexed PagesCurrent Indexed Pages
300,000382,000Close to zero

This decline probably means that Google didn’t find the content valuable enough. Although it answers users’ questions, the quality might not meet Google’s standards. Given the high hosting costs on Heroku, about $30+ per month, keeping the site alive without traffic doesn’t seem feasible.

Despite the effort put into making the user experience nice and the time spent on content, I might need to consider shutting it down. I’ve decided to observe the site for a few more weeks before making a final decision.

It’s disheartening, but it looks like Google isn’t receptive to the content on, making its future uncertain.

Google Indexing Challenges

Google indexing can sometimes be unpredictable. I managed to get an impressive 382,000 pages indexed, which initially seemed promising. Things were looking up, and the site started showing some activity. However, not long after that, Google decided to remove all the indexed pages.

This was a significant setback. Google seems to have a preference for high-quality content, and the site in question, while functional, didn’t quite meet their standards. Despite answering users’ queries, it wasn’t attractive enough for Google to keep in their index.

The removal of these pages was undoubtedly disappointing, especially since the project was both fun and challenging. It took a lot of effort to enhance the user experience, and the site was hosted on Heroku, which cost over $3 a month. Given the lack of traffic, it might not be worth maintaining the site any longer.

I plan to monitor it for a couple more weeks before making a final decision on whether to shut it down. It’s a tough call, given the time invested, but peace of mind is also crucial. For now, it seems Google just isn’t fond of the site.

Project Termination Consideration

When pondering the future of your project, it’s crucial to think about whether continuing it is the best choice. If your site isn’t getting the expected traffic, it might be time to close it down. For instance, a site can go through a promising phase with increasing indexed pages but then suffer a major drop in traffic due to changes in Google’s indexing policies. Hosting costs can also add up, making it essential to weigh the financial burden against the benefits.

Key Factors to Consider:

  • Traffic Trends: If the site isn’t gaining traffic or has decreasing page views, it might not be worth maintaining.
  • Indexing Issues: Changes in how search engines handle your site’s pages can drastically impact visibility.
  • Financial Costs: Running a site involves expenses, and if these outweigh the revenue or benefits, termination might be necessary.
  • Effort and Time: Significant effort and time into a project without a satisfactory return can lead to burnout. It’s important to assess if the project still aligns with your goals.


  • Indexing Problems: A site showing potential growth can suddenly lose all indexed pages, causing a drop in organic traffic.
  • Hosting Costs: Expensive hosting services, like Heroku, can add financial strain, especially if the site isn’t generating sufficient interest.


Consider these questions when analyzing your project’s viability:

  • Is the content engaging and meeting user needs?
  • Are there alternative hosting options to reduce costs?
  • Can the project be revised to attract more traffic?

By evaluating these aspects, you can make informed decisions on whether to continue, modify, or terminate your project for better peace of mind.

Niche Site Idea Validation

When starting a niche site, it’s essential to know if the idea will work. One way to check this is by using Mediavine’s sellers.json file. Mediavine is a large ad network that requires sites to have 50,000 sessions per month to join. This file lists all websites in their network, which have met this requirement.

Steps to Validate a Niche Site Idea:

  1. Open the sellers.json file from Mediavine.
  2. Browse through the list to see what types of sites are successful.
  3. Note down various niches and explore them.

For example, you might come across sites like:

  • Plant Power Couple: Focused on vegan recipes.
  • Hunter Wholesale: Deals with hunting-related content.
  • Smart Trucking: Offers information on becoming a truck driver.
  • Fish Tanks: Guides on keeping aquariums and fish.

By checking these sites, you can get an idea of what niches work well and potentially replicate their approach for your own site. This method is useful for pinpointing profitable niches and ensuring your time and effort are invested wisely.

Using Mediavine’s Sellers.json

To find potential ideas for niche sites, you can make use of Mediavine’s sellers.json file. Mediavine is a large ad network that requires 50,000 sessions per month to join. This file lists all the websites using their network, giving you a look at what is successful.

Steps to Utilize Sellers.json

  1. Access the Sellers.json File: This file lists every domain utilizing Mediavine’s ad network. You can search through these domains to see what’s working.
  2. Analyze Successful Sites: Looking at different domains can give you insight into what’s popular. For example, a vegan recipe site like “Plant Power Couple” or a hunting site like “Hunter Wholesale” might spark some ideas.
  3. Evaluate Domain Names: Pick some domain names at random to explore further. This can reveal various niches like trucking, fish tanks, and more.

Examples Found in Sellers.json

  • Plant Power Couple: A vegan recipe site.
  • Hunter Wholesale: A hunting-related website.
  • Smart Trucking: A site about becoming a truck driver.
  • Fish Tank Niche: Information on maintaining aquariums and keeping fish healthy.

Using these steps, anyone can find viable niche ideas, seeing what types of sites are getting enough traffic to be part of Mediavine. This method helps validate ideas without wasting time on unpromising concepts.

Brainstorming Niche Topics with Examples

When starting a niche website, finding the right topic can be challenging. One valuable method is to explore Mediavine’s sellers.json file, which lists all domains using their ad network. This can help identify what works well and is profitable.

Here are some examples:

  • Plant-Based Cooking:
    • Site: Plant Power Couple
    • Focus: Vegan recipes and lifestyle tips.
  • Hunting and Outdoor Activities:
    • Site: Hunter Wholesale
    • Focus: Hunting information and gear reviews.
  • Long-Haul Trucking:
    • Site: Smart Trucking
    • Focus: Tips for becoming a truck driver, maintaining a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), and life on the road.
  • Fish Keeping and Aquariums:
    • Site: Fish Keeping Guide
    • Focus: Tips and guides on maintaining fish tanks and keeping fish healthy.

Using this approach can help validate niche ideas and ensure that they have the potential to gain significant traffic and thereby make money. This method not only helps in finding niche ideas but also in understanding the strategies that successful sites employ.

Parasite SEO Overview

Parasite SEO involves leveraging high Authority sites to gain visibility for your content. By posting on these well-ranked domains, you can benefit from their established presence, boosting your own site’s search engine rankings.

Key Features of Parasite SEO

  • High Authority Domains: These are websites with strong domain ratings (DR). They already have a significant amount of credibility and trust from search engines.
  • Content Posting: By purchasing the right to post your content on these high DR sites, you can take advantage of their authority.
  • Backlink Generation: When you include backlinks to your own site in these posts, it helps to increase your site’s authority and ranking.


  • Quick Exposure: Your content appears on a site with an already established audience, providing instant visibility.
  • Improved Rankings: Linking back to your site from a high DR domain helps boost your search engine ranking.
  • Increased Traffic: More people visit your site as they find your posts on popular, trustworthy domains.

Steps to Implement

  1. Identify High DR Sites: Locate websites that allow guest posts or paid articles.
  2. Create Quality Content: Write valuable, relevant content that suits the host site’s audience.
  3. Add Backlinks: Include links to your website within the content.
  4. Post and Monitor: Publish your content and keep track of the performance through analytics.

Examples of Use

  • Niche Sites: These can be specific to industries like tech, health, or lifestyle. Leveraging parasite SEO here ensures your content reaches a targeted audience.
  • Business Promotions: For businesses launching new products, posting on high-authority blogs in your industry can drive immediate interest and traffic.

Monitoring Success

Use tools like Google Analytics to track:

  • Traffic Increases: Check the number of visitors to your site post-publication.
  • Backlink Quality: Ensure that the links from the high DR site are recognized by search engines.
  • Engagement Metrics: Look at how visitors interact with your site after clicking through.

This strategy can be a cost-effective way to boost your SEO efforts, offering a shortcut to higher search rankings and more traffic to your site.

Published by

John Ward

With nearly two decades of experience in building, growing, and monetizing websites, I share insights from my journey—highlighting what works and what doesn’t. Whether you're new or experienced, there's something here for everyone.