Build-in-Public – Episode 4 – Programmtic SEO

Building websites using programmatic SEO involves creating numerous templated pages that leverage backend data to display unique content on each page. This method allows for large-scale site generation without the need to individually craft each page. An example of this approach includes sites that rank high on search engines by using data to populate information about hotels or nutritional content.

One such site called “Keto or Not” utilizes this model effectively by providing information on whether various foods are suitable for a keto diet. By employing the USDA food database, the website generates extensive food profiles automatically. This enables users to quickly find out the net carb content and keto compatibility of different foods. Additionally, content generated via advanced AI tools enhances the site’s scope and utility.

Key Takeaways

  • Programmatic SEO uses backend data to create numerous templated pages.
  • The “Keto or Not” website assesses keto compatibility of foods using database-driven content.
  • AI-generated content can enhance the breadth and usefulness of programmatic sites.

Programmatic SEO Model Overview

Programmatic SEO involves creating web pages based on a structured data set. This approach allows for the generation of numerous pages that follow a consistent template. Each page contains unique content derived from the data set, providing valuable information to users while maintaining a uniform layout.

For example, by querying a central database, sites like and US News generate pages listing the best hotels in various locations. This method does not require manual creation of each page, significantly reducing development time and effort.

Sites focused on nutritional information often use this model as well. Pages detailing the calorie count of different foods pull data from reliable sources like the USDA database. For example, a page might list the net carbs in bacon along with related nutritional information, and whether it fits into a specific diet, such as keto.

Another instance is a website dedicated to the keto diet. It uses programmatic SEO to inform users whether specific foods are keto-friendly. By integrating data-driven insights with generated content using APIs like OpenAI’s GPT, the site provides comprehensive information and product recommendations.


  • Efficient page creation
  • Consistent user experience
  • Data-driven accuracy

Implementation Steps:

  1. Identify a reliable data set.
  2. Design a consistent template.
  3. Use the data to populate each page.
  4. Optimize for SEO-friendly structures.

This strategy enhances site visibility on search engines, aiming to attract traffic and monetization opportunities through affiliate links and ads.

Demonstration of Programmatic SEO

Programmatic SEO uses a data-driven approach to create templated web pages. By leveraging a unified dataset, websites can generate numerous pages that share a similar structure but display unique content based on the data. This method streamlines the creation process and enables the efficient scaling of content-rich websites.

A practical example is the Keto or Not site. This platform helps users determine if specific foods fit within a keto diet. By incorporating information from the USDA food database, the site calculates net carbs and provides nutritional information for various foods. The site offers a user-friendly experience by displaying essential details such as:

  • Net carbs
  • Calories breakdown
  • Related keto-friendly items

Keto or Not Example

For instance, a search for “bacon” reveals its keto compatibility, net carb content, and associated nutritional facts. Users can also check the prices of related products on Amazon, with affiliate links providing a source of revenue.

To enhance the content, additional sections include GPT-driven descriptions that ground the information provided by the USDA database, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

Performance Optimization

The Keto or Not site also emphasizes performance optimization. Hosted on Heroku, the site benefits from careful resource management and page speed enhancements, which reduce operational costs and improve user experience.

By focusing on SEO and content optimization, along with precise resource management, the Keto or Not platform exemplifies the effectiveness and efficiency of programmatic SEO in building scalable web experiences.

Exploring the Keto or Not Website

The Keto or Not website leverages a programmatic SEO model to provide users with detailed nutritional information on various foods, focusing primarily on their compatibility with the keto diet. The platform utilizes a comprehensive USDA food database, drawing upon this rich dataset to generate consistent and data-driven content across all its pages.

Upon navigating to the website, users can search for specific foods to determine their keto-friendliness. For example, searching for “bacon” reveals that it is indeed keto-friendly, providing detailed nutritional information, including net carbs, calories, and a breakdown of other nutritional elements. Additionally, the site offers related items that can be purchased via affiliate links, generating small commissions on sales.

The website also integrates GPT-based content generation, ensuring that the information presented is thorough and grounded in factual data from the USDA database. This approach minimizes inaccuracies and amplifies the reliability of the content.

Furthermore, the site features an optimized performance model hosted on Heroku. This setup not only assists in maintaining cost efficiency by optimizing resource usage but also ensures a high-speed, seamless user experience.

In summary, Keto or Not serves as a functional and informative tool for individuals pursuing a keto diet, providing essential insights and practical affiliate-driven solutions through a well-optimized programmatic SEO framework.

Site Development and Content Generation

Programmatic SEO offers a structured approach to developing websites by utilizing data sets to create templated pages. Each page follows a similar format but contains unique content driven by varying data inputs. A successful example of this model includes websites that rank high in search results for queries like “best hotels in Florida.” These sites often leverage databases to display information in a uniform manner, while monetizing through affiliate links.

One practical application of this method is in niche markets, such as a website designed for keto diet enthusiasts. The site features pages on various foods, indicating their suitability for a keto diet. This setup utilizes a database to calculate net carbs and other nutritional information for each food item. The pages are bolstered with additional content generated via GPT APIs to provide more detailed explanations and related information.

Additionally, the site incorporates affiliate marketing, suggesting alternative products and services relevant to users. The development of such a site may involve using frameworks like Ruby on Rails to achieve better scalability and performance optimization compared to traditional platforms like WordPress. This ensures that the website not only serves its target audience effectively but also maintains efficiency in terms of resource usage and load times.

Enhancing the page content with autogenerated text grounded in factual data helps improve the site’s relevance and search engine ranking. The method of combining programmatic and AI-generated content allows for a comprehensive user experience while facilitating organic traffic growth.

Marketing Strategies and Monetization

John focuses on utilizing a programmatic SEO model to generate website traffic and monetization. This approach involves creating a vast number of templated pages based on a single dataset. Each page contains unique, data-driven content while maintaining a consistent layout across the site.

Key Components:

  • Templated Pages: The method relies on templates to generate numerous similar pages with distinct data entries. For example, his keto diet site, “Keto or Not,” uses a dataset from the USDA to populate nutritional information for various foods.
  • Affiliate Marketing: The inclusion of affiliate links is one monetization strategy. Users clicking on links to purchase products, such as through Amazon or, generate affiliate commission.
  • Dynamic Content: Pages are programmed to pull information dynamically. Examples include nutritional facts, product recommendations, and keto-friendly labels, improving user engagement and search engine ranking.

Example Sites and Monetization Tactics

  • US News and These sites aggregate data about hotels and leverage affiliate commissions from booking links. The programmatically generated content includes reviews, amenities, and booking options.
  • Nutrition Websites: Pages that highlight calorie counts and other nutrition facts for various foods make use of the USDA food database. The content is minimalistic but informative, catering to users seeking quick answers.

Tools and Techniques

  • GPT API Integration: To enhance content depth, John integrates content generated from the GPT APIs by OpenAI. This grounded content is based on existing data to minimize inaccuracies and improve SEO.
  • SEO Optimization: Efforts were made to ensure high page speed and performance. Hosting solutions such as Heroku were chosen for their scalability, balancing cost and resource use.

User Experience and Engagement

  • Product Recommendations: Related products and dietary alternatives are suggested to increase affiliate conversions.
  • Custom Metrics: Features like the “Ketometer” provide users with clear indicators of food compatibility with the keto diet.

By combining these elements, the programmatic SEO model not only drives traffic effectively but also ensures a steady revenue stream through thoughtfully placed affiliate links and optimized page performance.

Search Engine Performance

Programmatic SEO leverages data sets to create templated pages, each containing unique information but formatted similarly. This method is exemplified by numerous high-ranking websites. US News and showcase this approach through database-driven content about hotels that allows them to rank highly on search engines.

When searching for nutritional information, users often encounter programmatic pages derived from the USDA food database. These pages efficiently list calorie content without much additional content, highlighting the minimal yet effective approach to SEO.

A notable example within the keto diet niche is a site named Keto or Not. It determines the keto-friendliness of various foods using data from the USDA. For instance, searching for “bacon” displays its net carbs and keto compatibility, along with related products from Amazon.

Additionally, this site incorporates content generated via GPT APIs from OpenAI, ensuring the information is grounded in provided data to minimize inaccuracies. The site has been optimized for page speed and performance due to hosting on Heroku, which helps in managing resource costs efficiently.

Features and Techniques

  • Data-Driven Pages: Uses external databases to populate content.
  • Affiliate Links: Embeds affiliate offers which generate commissions.
  • Search Optimization: Includes content focused on popular search queries.
  • Automation: Utilizes GPT technology for content generation.

Performance Metrics

Efforts have been made to optimize the website’s speed and resource usage. This optimization ensures a quick and responsive user experience, crucial for maintaining high search engine performance and user satisfaction.

Website Performance Optimization

Optimizing website performance is crucial for both user experience and resource management. One method is minimizing resource usage, especially when hosting on platforms where additional resources incur higher costs. This includes leveraging efficient coding practices, such as those used with Ruby on Rails, to ensure that the site runs smoothly without unnecessary overhead.

Implementing performance-enhancing features can significantly improve load times. For instance, utilizing Google’s PageSpeed Insights can provide valuable metrics and suggestions for enhancing site speed. Reducing the number of HTTP requests, compressing images, and employing lazy loading techniques are practical steps to achieve a faster website.

Table for quick reference on optimization strategies:

Minify ResourcesReduce file sizes by removing unnecessary characters
Compress ImagesUse tools to reduce image file sizes without quality loss
Page CachingStore copies of web pages to reduce server load
Lazy LoadingDelay loading of offscreen content until needed
Optimize CodeWrite efficient, streamlined code for better performance

Effective optimization also involves regular monitoring and testing. Analyzing performance data and making incremental adjustments ensures the website remains efficient and user-friendly. Utilizing tools and following best practices can lead to a notable improvement in website speed and resource efficiency.

Published by

John Ward

With nearly two decades of experience in building, growing, and monetizing websites, I share insights from my journey—highlighting what works and what doesn’t. Whether you're new or experienced, there's something here for everyone.