Build-in-Public – Episode 6 – Sneaky Backlinks

I’m on day six of my 30-day challenge and feeling pretty tired today. Just rolled out of bed, and I’m wearing my favorite pepperoni roll shirt. Growing up in West Virginia, pepperoni rolls are a staple, so this shirt brings some comfort. Anyway, today’s quick tip is about backlinks, which are still a crucial ranking signal for Google.

Backlinks are like votes from the web, showing how well your content is perceived. In the past, you could get away with lots of low-quality backlinks, but Google’s algorithm has gotten smarter. It now values higher quality backlinks with natural placement and context.

Key Takeaways

  • Quality backlinks are vital for higher ranking.
  • Strategic use of anchor text is important.
  • High authority domains offer valuable backlinks.

30-Day Challenge Progress

Day six of the 30-day challenge and feeling pretty tired. He just rolled out of bed and is rocking his pepperoni roll shirt today, representing his West Virginia roots. Despite being exhausted, he offers insights into backlink strategies.

Backlinks Tip

Backlinks are still Google’s strongest ranking signal. They are like votes from the web, indicating the quality of content. More backlinks generally mean higher authority, but the quality of these links is crucial. He emphasizes being cautious with backlinks and seeking high-quality sources that match the content’s context.

Digital PR Campaign

He shares an example of a successful digital PR campaign. By analyzing Google search volumes, writing an article, and pitching it to journalists, the campaign gained backlinks from major publications like Good Housekeeping, Yahoo Life, and Hello Magazine. These high-authority sites contributed significantly to the site’s link juice.

Anchor Text Considerations

Using careful anchor text is important. Instead of aggressively targeting specific keywords like “best creatine,” he suggests opting for more natural text such as the website’s name or brand. This prevents penalties and maintains the organic nature of the backlinks.

Tiered Link Building

For a more robust backlink strategy, tiered link building is useful. The top tier consists of high-quality links directly to the main site. Below that, tier two links to tier one sites, and so on. This structure can include private blog networks (PBNs) and various other sources without jeopardizing the main site’s quality.

Sneaky Backlinks

He introduces a helpful resource from Twitter. A user named Conor shares “sneaky backlinks” tips, revealing high-authority sites that offer free backlinks. For instance, sites like OpenAI and Linktree are highlighted. By using Google search tricks, users can uncover these valuable backlinks easily.

Quick Q&A

To wrap up, he checks for comments and confirms there’s nothing needing immediate attention. He mentions the Super Bowl and playfully shares his indecision about which team to root for.

Stay tuned for more updates and another tip tomorrow.

Importance of Backlinks

Backlinks are like votes from other websites, signaling that your content is valuable. The more backlinks you have, the more authority your site gains in the eyes of search engines like Google. It’s like a popularity contest where each link acts as a vote for your site.

Quality matters a lot with backlinks. Only good links from trusted sources will positively impact your ranking. Gone are the days when any link would do. Now, search engines look for links that are naturally placed and relevant to the content they point to.

One way to get high-quality backlinks is through digital PR campaigns. These involve creating something link-worthy and pitching it to journalists. For instance, analyzing search trends and creating a report can attract links from high-authority sites like Good Housekeeping, Yahoo Life, and others.

When building backlinks, it’s important to use the right anchor text. Natural anchor texts, like the site’s name or URL, work best. Overusing exact keyword phrases can look unnatural and may lead to penalties.

A tiered linking structure can also help. The primary site sits at the top, with high-quality Tier 1 links connecting directly to it. Lower quality Tier 2 links can then point to those Tier 1 sites, reducing risk to the main site.

Utilizing free, high-authority sites for backlinks can be beneficial. For example, sites with high domain ratings, like, allow adding a link to your profile, which can boost your site’s authority if done properly. Following experts who share these tips can provide valuable resources for free.

Backlink Quality Over Quantity

Backlinks play a significant role in how Google ranks websites. Think of a backlink as a vote of confidence from one website to another. In the past, having a large number of backlinks, regardless of their quality, helped improve a site’s ranking. Nowadays, the focus has shifted to the quality of these backlinks.

When it comes to backlinks, quality trumps quantity. High-quality backlinks come from reputable sources and are naturally placed within content that makes sense. For instance, a link from a respected publication or a major site like Good Housekeeping or Yahoo Life carries more weight than multiple links from lesser-known sites.

It’s important to focus on creating content worth linking to and then getting it in front of journalists or bloggers who might find it valuable. This practice, known as digital PR campaigns, can result in backlinks from high-authority sites.

Additionally, the context and anchor text of the backlinks matter. Instead of using exact match keywords like “best creatine,” it’s better to use more natural language that fits within the content. For example, a link might say “creatine review on” instead of just “best creatine.”

Another technique involves creating a tiered linking structure. Here’s a simple outline:

  1. Money Site: The main website.
  2. Tier 1: High-quality backlinks pointing directly to the Money Site.
  3. Tier 2: Other links pointing to these Tier 1 sites, boosting their authority without directly impacting the Money Site.

For Tier 2, you might use private blog networks (PBNs) or other linking strategies that aren’t as high quality but still useful. Such practices ensure the main site benefits from the link juice without risking penalties.

Remember, quality backlinks from respected domains are key. They offer more value and security than numerous low-quality links.

Digital PR Campaign Case Study

In a recent digital PR campaign, the focus was on creating valuable content that could attract high-quality backlinks. A detailed analysis of Google search volumes for a particular topic was conducted. The data was organized into a ranked list, which formed the basis of an article. This article was then pitched to journalists.

Several prominent publications such as Good Housekeeping, Yahoo Life, L Magazine, National Post, and Hello Magazine picked up the story and linked back to the original site. These backlinks from sites with strong domain authority significantly boosted the site’s ranking.

Key Elements of the Campaign:

  1. High-Quality Content: The article provided detailed and interesting analysis, which made it attractive to journalists.
  2. Pitching to Journalists: The content was pitched directly to journalists at reputable publications.
  3. Natural Backlinks: The backlinks from these high-authority sites were natural and relevant, enhancing the site’s credibility.

Link Building Practices

  • Anchor Text: Anchor text should be natural. Instead of using exact match keywords like “best creatine,” it’s more authentic to use the website’s name or a URL.
  • Tiered Link Structure:
    • Tier 1: High-quality links directly to the site.
    • Tier 2: Links from sites linking to the high-quality Tier 1 sites, often from a private blog network (PBN).

Important Points:

  • High-quality backlinks are crucial for boosting domain authority.
  • Use natural anchor text to avoid penalties.
  • A tiered link structure can enhance the impact of backlinks.

Anchor Text Strategy

Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. Choosing the right anchor text is key to building effective backlinks.

Natural Anchor Text Usage

  • Avoid over-optimizing anchor text. Hyperlinks should look natural.
  • For example, instead of linking “best creatine,” it might be better to link “creatin” or the full article title.

Types of Anchor Text

  • Branded Anchors: Use your brand name, like “Nike” or “BestBuy”.
  • Naked URL Anchors: The full URL, such as ““.
  • Generic Anchors: General phrases like “click here” or “read more”.
  • Exact Match Anchors: Specific keywords you aim to rank for, like “best hiking boots”.


  • Diversify Anchor Text: Mix different types of anchor text to maintain a natural profile.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Ensure the links come from reputable sites.
  • Contextual Relevance: Make sure the anchor text fits smoothly within the content.

Thriving in SEO requires smart use of anchor text to both inform the reader and send positive signals to search engines.

Tiered Backlinking Strategy

For backlinks, a tiered approach can be effective. At the top, we have the money site. This is the primary website that we want to rank.

Below the money site is Tier 1. Tier 1 consists of high-quality links from reputable sources. These can include digital PR campaigns where content is pitched to journalists, resulting in backlinks from major publications like Good Housekeeping, Yahoo Life, or Hello Magazine.

Next is Tier 2. Tier 2 links to the high-quality sites in Tier 1, strengthening the overall link structure. Private Blog Networks (PBNs) often form this tier. PBNs are a collection of websites designed to provide backlinks and help pass authority up to Tier 1.

Finally, at the lowest level, we have Tier 3. Although not always necessary, Tier 3 can include less reputable links, such as forum posts or blog comments, which link to Tier 2 sites. This tier helps in giving an extra boost without directly impacting the money site.

Leveraging Sneaky Backlinks from High Authority Domains

Getting backlinks from well-regarded websites is a key way to boost your site’s authority. Using a method called “sneaky backlinks” can be really effective. For example, Connor on Twitter shares a series called “sneaky backlinks,” which highlights high-authority free sites where you can link to your site.

One example is the domain If you have a paid account with OpenAI and you create a custom GPT, you can add a link in your profile. This link will get indexed by Google and boost your site’s ranking thanks to the domain’s high authority.

Connor also shares links from other high-authority sites like Linktree. To find these valuable backlinks, you can use a Google search trick. For instance, you can search for "keyword" to locate the backlinks found by Connor.

Following Connor’s advice and subscribing to his mailing list ensures you stay updated with these valuable tips. This method provides free, high-quality backlinks that many people often charge for. By leveraging these tips, you can gain a significant SEO advantage.

Searching for Sneaky Backlinks on Google

To find sneaky backlinks, a useful method involves using Google search. By typing followed by the keyword, one can locate specific backlinks. This search can be refined further by adding directories for more accurate results. This trick helps find free, high-authority backlinks.

For example, a Twitter user named Connor shares a series on “sneaky backlinks.” Connor provides high domain authority sites where one can easily gain backlinks. These include platforms like OpenAI, which offers a domain rating of 92. By launching a custom GPT on OpenAI and including a link in your profile, it becomes indexed by Google. This passes significant link juice to your site.

Connor also lists other high authority sites such as Linktree. To find these, one might search for keyword on Google. Regularly checking Connor’s updates and joining his mailing list can be beneficial for accessing these backlinks earlier.

Twitter Resource for Backlinks

There’s a Twitter user named Conor who shares helpful tips on getting backlinks from high-authority sites. He has a series called “sneaky backlinks” that includes various free sites where you can get valuable links to your site.

For instance, one of his tips involves OpenAI’s platform. If you have a paid account and create a custom GPT, you can add a link in your profile. This link can be indexed by Google, providing a backlink from a domain with a high rating of 92.

Steps to find Conor’s “sneaky backlinks” on Twitter:

  1. Search on Google:
    • Use "Conor shaller sneaky backlink" to find relevant posts.
  2. Follow Conor on Twitter:
    • He shares these tips along with other content. Consider joining his mailing list for early access to these backlinks.

These resources can significantly boost the authority of your website.

Super Bowl Personal Remarks

It’s Super Bowl day, also known as “the big game” to some. He expressed mixed feelings about which team to support. On one side, his son started liking the Chiefs after their win a few years ago; not because he knows much about football, but just because they won. On the other hand, he’s also leaning towards the 49ers. This preference stems from his cousin, who has been a die-hard 49ers fan all his life. For him, it would be great to see them win.

While he doesn’t follow sports much, he plans to catch some of the game later. He encourages everyone to enjoy the game with some pepperoni rolls, likely a nod to his West Virginia roots.

Published by

John Ward

With nearly two decades of experience in building, growing, and monetizing websites, I share insights from my journey—highlighting what works and what doesn’t. Whether you're new or experienced, there's something here for everyone.