Build-in-Public – Episode 22 – Front Page Monopoly

I’m back with an update on day 22 of our 30-day challenge. The rankings for both the parasites and the Rent and Rank site are moving in the right direction. There’s some buzz about a possible search update on Google, as we’re seeing high volatility. I’ve noticed positive changes in the keywords I’m tracking, which … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 22 – Front Page Monopoly

Build-in-Public – Episode 21 – Quick Ranking Update

Today marks the 21st day of my 30-day challenge, and I’m happy to share some progress and updates. In the effort to improve the rank and rent site, positive movements have been observed in keyword positions. Although results are still settling, there is an optimistic outlook for these rankings. I also experimented with several new … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 21 – Quick Ranking Update

Build-in-Public – Episode 20 – Google Search Update

He finds himself at the 20th day of a challenging month-long endeavor, marking tremendous progress. Despite the bustling days, his son’s birthday was a joyous occasion filled with gifts and excitement for their upcoming vacation. In just 10 days, they will set off to Turks and Caicos, a destination cherished for its family-friendly resorts and … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 20 – Google Search Update

Build-in-Public – Episode 19 – Rank N Rent Tracking

I’m on day 19 of my video series, and today is a little different. It’s my son’s eighth birthday, and we’re planning a celebration with his cousins. I’m trying to keep up with daily updates until I leave for vacation in about 10 or 11 days, and today I want to share a quick tip … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 19 – Rank N Rent Tracking

Build-in-Public – Episode 18 – Google and Reddit Deal

Google recently announced a unique partnership with Reddit, where they are investing $60 million annually to gain API access to Reddit’s data for training AI models. Interestingly, this partnership was disclosed shortly after Google’s antitrust hearings concluded, raising eyebrows about the timing. Over the last few months, Google has significantly increased Reddit’s visibility in their … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 18 – Google and Reddit Deal

Build-in-Public – Episode 17 – My Favorite WordPress Plugins

I’m on Day 17 of my 30-day challenge and wanted to share a quick update. Yesterday, I bid on a domain name that turned out to be a bit too pricey for me. It was a high-quality domain from a legitimate streaming service with a solid backlink profile. Even though I didn’t win it, I … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 17 – My Favorite WordPress Plugins

Build-in-Public – Episode 16 – Expired Domain Auctions

As we move past the halfway point in our 30-day challenge, I’ve been keeping up with creating a video each day. Today, I’ll take you through the steps of buying an expired domain name at auction and evaluating whether it’s a good one. Yesterday, I won a bid on an expired domain, making it a … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 16 – Expired Domain Auctions

Build-in-Public – Episode 15 – New Parasite and Link Shortener Tip

Reaching the halfway point of my 30-day challenge, I find myself feeling a bit sore from getting back into a regular gym routine. Despite my fatigue, I’m dedicated to creating content every day for the next 15 days. Today’s update covers a paid parasite strategy I’m experimenting with, targeting a trending topic I believe will … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 15 – New Parasite and Link Shortener Tip

Build-in-Public – Episode 14 – Parasite Updates

Day 14 of the 30-day building in public challenge has been a busy one. I’ve received a few questions on my videos that I’m excited to address. To start, a big shoutout to Randy for always commenting and helping out. He brought up an interesting question about the potential for building Rank and Rent sites … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 14 – Parasite Updates

Build-in-Public – Episode 13 – Keyword Research

Today, I will be diving into the world of keyword research, a topic suggested by my friend Randy. Randy asked me to explore different tools for keyword research and discuss strategies to target specific keywords. I’m eager to share insights on both free and paid tools that can help identify valuable keywords for improving search … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 13 – Keyword Research