Build-in-Public – Episode 2 – Affiliate Partnership and a Little Bit About Parasite SEO

Embarking on the second day of building in public, it’s a journey fraught with both excitement and exhaustion. With the added motivation of a birthday celebration, turning 38 feels like a milestone that brings renewed determination. Despite a sleepless night spent pondering an intriguing partnership opportunity, the drive to succeed remains strong. The focus has … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 2 – Affiliate Partnership and a Little Bit About Parasite SEO

Build-in-Public – Episode 1

John is diving into a new venture by building products and businesses in public. Inspired by the success stories of others on social media and YouTube, he aims to document his journey through brief daily videos. This approach not only brings transparency to his work but also helps him build connections with his audience. Despite … Continue reading Build-in-Public – Episode 1

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Way We Live

I spent some time working for an AI chatbot company for a few years. Another company, OpenAI, recently launched a demo of it’s GPT-3 technology. I was quite impressed and interested since it was in the same space I previously worked in. So, I decided to use GPT-3 to write a blog post about artificial … Continue reading How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Way We Live

IBM Watson Discovery Fundamentals Training

I’m excited to announce that I’ve released my first course on Udemy titled IBM Watson Discovery Fundamentals. This course is designed to give business and technical users a good high-level overview of the IBM Watson Discovery service. [lwptoc] What is IBM Watson Discovery? IBM Watson Discovery is an advanced search and analytical tool that uses … Continue reading IBM Watson Discovery Fundamentals Training

Amazon Associates Affiliate Program

Amazon Associates is one of the most popular affiliate programs around. Affiliate programs generally pay you when a user of your website commits some type of action. This might be a certain fee for a lead when a user signs up for the affiliated site or a percentage of commission on sales. Let’s take a … Continue reading Amazon Associates Affiliate Program

Building Real Assets on the Web

Wow, it’s been way too long since I’ve posted anything on this blog. I feel like that’s about how I start every post. Today I read a great post by Nathan Barry called The Billion Dollar Blog. It’s basically about a bunch of different people turning huge blog following into real businesses. It got me … Continue reading Building Real Assets on the Web

Watson Explorer vs Elasticsearch for Enterprise Search

Are you interested in IBM Watson Explorer vs Elasticsearch? Recently, I had to do some comparisons between IBM Watson Explorer and Elasticsearch for a project. I spent some time going through the features of both platforms and found some interesting features and comparisons. For this comparison, I’m only looking at IBM Watson Explorer Foundational Components … Continue reading Watson Explorer vs Elasticsearch for Enterprise Search